Reverse Shoulder Videos
Incision and Exposure
Humerus Preparation
Humeral Canal Preparation
Glenoid Preparation
Inserting the Metaglene Plate
Reverse Trials
Implant Placement
This material is intended for health care professionals. Distribution to any other recipient is prohibited. All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Ingen Orthopedics, LLC.
Ingen Orthopedics, LLC does not practice medicine. This technique was developed in conjunction with health care professionals. This video is intended for surgeons. Each surgeon should exercise his or her own independent judgment in the diagnosis and treatment of an individual patient, and this information does not purport to replace the training surgeons have received. As with all surgical procedures, the technique used in each case will depend on the surgeon’s medical judgment as the best treatment for each patient.